Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stolen / Missing Painting

This little painting  (in the frame shown) dissapeared from the wall during my showing at the Breadworks in Boulder, Colorado. I am disappointed by it;s loss. If you have any information please contact me


  1. Sorry to hear this lovely painting has been stolen!! I hope you do manage to get it back or at least a cheque in the post.Good luck.

    1. Thank you for your support. It just kept bothering me so I put the postings on my blogs and I feel a little better. Things happen.
      Jan Burch

  2. That is just awful! To steal from an artist is like stealing one of their children! It's an adorable little painting - almost looks like the needlework butterflies my mother use to create. I hope it is returned to you quickly & unharmed.

    1. Thank you for the support. I feel better about the painting now that I put the posts on my blogs. Not that the posts change anything but it helps me to feel, I guess, less powerless? You are right on with missing paintings once they are gone. My mother says it's like selling puppies.
      Thanks again
      Jan Burch

  3. I add my sympathies as well. Terribly frustrating and sad that someone would do that. I do hope you can get it back.

  4. Thanks,
    I doubt I will ever get it back. I was excepted to an exhibit at a local art center this year and they lost both paintings. They were much more valuable works, but I was not as upset because I knew it was just an error not theft (The paintings were found the next day).
    It is pretty amazing that 2D artists can just hang their work up on a wall and expect the public to leave the work alone. I have friends that make jewelry or other small crafts that must constantly guard their work.
    Thanks again for the support,
    Jan Burch
